What’s worth watching
- Ryan Dahl (Inventor of Node.js) on “10 Things I Regret About Node.js” (JSConf EU, 2018): reflection (after 6-year break) on what things could have been done differently in Node.js.
- Mathias Bynens (Google) & Benedikt Meurer (Google) on “JavaScript Engines: The Good Parts™” (JSConf EU, 2018): key features and technics modern JavaScript engines (specifically, V8 and ChakraCore) use to achieve high performance.
- Brittany Storoz on “The Etymology of Programming” (JSConf EU, 2018): revealing the mystery of some programming jargons and reasoning on how we as developers built a vocabulary full of such phrases.
- Kinuko Yasuda, Jeffrey Yasskin & Kenji Baheux (Google) on “Packaging the Web” (BlinkOn 9, 2018): turns out Web Packaging is going to be more than just a way for Google to deliver AMP pages, it's also about secure sharing and distributing the content.