My name’s Anton Eprev and I’m a software engineer working as front-end developer at Booking.com in Amsterdam. Tinker with electronics and 3D printers in spare time. I’m on Twitter, GitHub and Unsplash.

What’s worth watching

  • Bred Victor (MIT) on “Media for Thinking the Unthinkable” (2013): incredible ideas that will probably change the way we present and understand things.
  • Douglas Crockford on “The Better Parts” (2014): you aren’t supposed to use every feature of the language to write error-free programs. Douglas is sharing his favorite parts of JavaScript and coming ES6 standard.
  • Facebook’s way to Flux and React in “Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook” (2014).
  • John-David Dalton (Lo-Dash) on “Unorthodox Performance” (2014): interesting techniques to improve JavaScript performance.
  • Patrick Hamann (The Guardian) on “CSS and the Critical Path” (2014): dealing with performance bottlenecks in the browser from network to painting.